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Why Go Solar in Arizona?
  Top 10 Reasons to Go Solar in Arizona
  Create an Energy Efficient Solar Home
  Host a Solar Town Hall Meeting
  Arizona Energy Stimulus Funding
Free Solar Newsletter

5 Steps to Create an Energy Efficient Solar Home in AZ
  Step 1: Energy Efficiency

  Step 2: Solar Thermal Hot Water
  Step 3: Zero Out with Solar Power
  Step 4: Call a Solar Installer for a Free Quote
  Step 5: Research Solar Products
What Solar Incentives Are Available in Arizona?
  How Much Do Solar Incentives Pay?
  Utility Solar Rebate Programs
  Arizona Solar Incentives
  Federal Solar Tax Credits

Want to Go Solar in Your Community?
  Conduct a Solar Community Outreach Event
  Become an Arizona Solar Advocate!
  Arizona Solar Watchdog Program

AZCC Public Policy:
  Arizona Renewable Energy Standard
  Approved: Arizona Net Metering
Real World Installation Videos
Main Solar Video Channel

Energy Efficiency
Radiant Barriers
Energy Efficient Radiant Barriers in Arizona
Arizona Energy
Efficiency TV Channel


Arizona Solar
Hot Water Heaters
Going Solar in Arizona - Click here to learn more about solar thermal hot water heaters in Arizona
Arizona Solar
Water TV Channel


Arizona Solar Power
Photovoltaic (PV)
Go Solar in Arizona - It Makes Cents to Go Solar in Arizona
Arizona Solar
Power TV Channel

Arizona Energy Stimulus Funding

The Arizona Department of Commerce received $129,097,188.00 from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which was used to fund the Arizona Department of Commerce Energy programs listed at the bottom of this page.

Since April 2009 these programs have successfully created 29 jobs and the opportunity to increase the number of green collar jobs in Arizona is profound.

The primary objective of the "Go Solar in Arizona" initiative is to help foster this economic development and job creation by conducting Energy Efficiency/Solar Town Hall Meetings. Conducting town hall meetings is one of the most cost-effective way to reach customers in the communities where they live and breathe.

Well thought out marketing events such as the town hall meetings are instrumental in stimulating interest, providing education and increasing the demand for solar, energy efficiency and weatherization installations. Building strong demand for alternative energy products and services will facilitate a green economy in Arizona.

Most consumers have heard about the benefits of energy efficiency and solar, but many still have unanswered questions. Answering important questions like how much does it cost, how much of the expense do incentives cover and understanding what their final out-of-pocket costs should be will help more customers to say "yes" to solar, energy efficiency and weatherization installations.

Where else in America will the combination of incentives, rebates and tax credits pay for 75% of equipment and installation costs? Right now even low-income residents in Arizona have the opportunity to put solar on their rooftops with no out-of-pocket costs through lease finance programs.

Providing customers with answers to their simple questions will remove the fear, uncertainty and doubt and help them make a smart purchase decision. The town hall meetings are the perfect forum to facilitate this type of communication.

Creating strong customer demand serves the same function as pouring the foundation for the entire renewable energy industry supply chain pyramid.

Customer installations increase the demand for solar/energy efficiency products from retailers/value-added resellers. Resellers demand lower pricing from distributors, which are placing larger and larger orders from international manufacturing companies. Manufacturing companies are always ready to meet demand and cut costs by moving closer to the source of business.

The resulting economic development and job creation will far exceed the need for just solar and energy efficiency installation crews. It will provide a clear transition path for many different existing professions such as construction, finance, sales, marketing, and distribution that all will be needed to build a renewable energy industry in Arizona.


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