Go Solar in Arizona
Solar Incentives and Rebate Options
Solar Incentives and Rebate Options
There are many financial and non-financial incentives for building energy efficient solar homes, additional incentives provided by local governments can often times play an even more significant role in encouraging builders. In addition to making the development process quicker and less costly, local incentives help builders recognize the interest and expectations of the local community in assuring that new homes are energy efficient and equipped with solar.
Solar Permit Streamlining & Priority Field Inspections
Speeding up a development's permitting process, or even providing guaranteed permitting or inspection timelines are additional strategies available to incentivize the integration of solar and energy efficiency features into a project. While builders may not gain any direct financial benefits from these programs, the indirect financial benefits of bringing a development to completion quicker, and the ability for the developer to move on to the next project sooner, can be significant.
Solar Permit Fee Reductions/Waivers
To help incentivize the inclusion of energy efficiency and solar energy features in new homes, municipalities can provide home builders with permitting fee waivers or reductions for energy efficient solar homes. While fee reductions technically can be applied to any of the multiple permits required for new construction, most jurisdictions already employing this tactic apply the incentive directly to the cost of obtaining a solar installation permit.
Solar Development Bonuses
Density bonus ordinances are commonly used to allow developers to increase the number of units or square footage allowed on a piece of property if they agree to include certain amenities or features into a development. Density bonuses have historically been used to promote low income housing; however, they are increasingly being used to incentivize green building amenities.
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